Ban the Box
“Ban the Box” legislation prevents individuals with criminal backgrounds. Employers must delay inquiring into an applicant’s conviction history until he or she has been given the opportunity to interview. Studies have shown the economic support provided by employment.
This type of compassionate legislation helps to mitigate the stigma of a criminal record which makes it so difficult even for highly qualified applicants who seek employment to be fairly considered for work.
Many ex-offenders are turned down by temporary employment agencies because clients do not want anyone with a criminal background regardless of their qualifications. This is even before the interview could take place.
During the period of 2006-2008 the Pa. DOC released 1,667 citizens back to the Reading area. Of these 1,667[1] released individuals, the overall recidivism rate for the same period was 865 persons returning to prison. The 865 persons cost the taxpayer $30,275,000. annually to be in prison.
Allowing people to work increases their self-esteem.
A working returning citizen revitalizes the local tax base.
A working person reduces the rate of recidivism which reduces the taxpayers’ burden.
The taxpayer’s burden is further reduced when restitution is made to the victim through the ex-offender working.
13 states and over 71 cities and counties across the country have some form of “Ban the Box” legislation.Lancaster, PA being the most recent as of 10/1/2014.