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Featured Business

AGSC, LLC currently provides business-to-business services to manufacturers, suppliers, deliverers, wholesalers, retailers, clients, and consumers through building partnerships and trade connections through seminars, conferences, workshops, meetings and various forms of communication, and is developing an on line market place which will provide a platform for U.S and African businesses to trade, it connects businesses through its networks.


AGSC, LLC is positioning itself to become the major export and import business providing goods and products mostly from all over Africa and the U.S on a worldwide basis; The major focus of the business is between Africa and America. It is developing and will operate distribution centers, African Global Superstores and multi-purpose African Global Super Centers that serve local communities, both rural and urban regions as well as food desert impacted communities.


It is a rising global exporter and importer organization committed to international trade, supply chain management, and global sourcing consistent with the African Growth Opportunity Act (AGOA) signed into law by former U.S. President Bill Clinton; and the U.S. Congress in 2000 and the H.R 1777 which went into effect on April 26th 2013 as a sister act with AGOA and which is aimed at increasing American jobs through greater exports to Africa.


It is a membership-driven business organization, and we welcome hundreds and millions of members worldwide regardless of location, culture, or nationality; who support the concept, vision, and mission of the African Global Super Center LLC. 

For more information please visit our website at: or Join our mailing list by Just sending your email address by text message: Text SUPERCENTER to 22828.  Like us on facebook:  AfricanGlobalSuperCenter Twitter @AfricanGlobalSC

@ 2018 Reading Branch #2289 National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

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